Saturday, August 30, 2008

Where Have I Been?

O.k , so its been a while, I feel like my shop is always in a transitional period and I cant quite find myself. Its frustrating but I am enjoying exploring different styles and mediums in the meantime.


Roxann said...

I like your paintings. Thank you for sharing!

Holly Bartos said...

Oh, I just read this post. I don't know if you're still feeling this way or not, but I sure am! I am feeling like I haven't quite found my niche yet. I'm getting there, but there's so much more I want to explore and I don't want to be tied down to one "look", ya know? Anyways, you're not alone!

sophiassweetspot said...

yes, i always wonder if i am the only one that doesnt have it together sometimes. i just dont know if i will ever have it either, but hopefully if i keep trying and never give up, it will come. your art is awesome holly! and it looks like your expanding your shop nicely with a variety of things. keep up the great work!!

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